Saturday, July 31, 2010

10th TED Pathfinder Camporee

The 2010 Trans-European Division "Faithbook" Pathfinder Camporee is happening right now in Iso Kirja, Finland. More than 2,200 people from over 20 countries are expected to attend. Pathfinders will be able to participate in over 50 activities such as rafting competitions, team challenge courses, and bungee surfing at the week-long event.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Adventist Church's top committee to include more young adults

Glenn Wright, a delegate representing
the world church, suggests ways to
increase the participation of young
adults in future General Conference
sessions. [photo: Gerry Chudleigh /
Adventist News Network]
On many occasions over the past week, delegates at the 59th General Conference Session have taken to the microphone to voice strong opinions about the lack of youth representatives, even when the topic being publicly discussed at the moment was unrelated.

In response, church officials sitting at the desk on stage politely told the youth advocates to hold their thoughts for a more appropriate time.

Then came Friday, during the last business meeting of the 10-day Session. That's when delegates finally got a chance to discuss -- and approve -- an agenda item that encourages youth representation on the General Conference Executive Committee.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Number of GC delegates by age & gender

According to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, only 2 percent of the delegates representing the Adventist Church at the General Conference Session are under 30 years old. Only about 16 percent of the delegates are women.

According to the GC Session website:

"The Constitution states that at least 50 percent of delegates shall be laypersons, pastors, teachers, and nonadministrative employees, of both genders and representing a range of age groups and nationalities."

Gilbert Cangy is the new GC Youth Director

Gilbert R. Cangy was recently elected the new General Conference Youth Department director. Cangy previously served in Youth Ministries at the South Pacific Division.

The associate directors for the Youth Department are Jonatan Tejel and Paul D. Tompkins.

Source: Adventist News Network

Session delegate urges more youth representation

North America delegate David Kokiong,
28, earlier this week calls for more younger
delegates to comprise the General
Conference in Session. [photo: Gerry
Chudleigh / Adventist News Network]
A delegate stepped up to the microphone and identified himself as "one of the few" under the age of 30 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church's North American region.

See how many delegates are under the age of 30

"I'd like to know when would be an appropriate time to address the issue of the lack of representation from that age category," said David Kokiong, 28, of Montreal, Canada, during the Tuesday morning business meeting at the 59th General Conference Session. "Many youth and young adults are either misinformed or uninterested, or even ignorant, about the processes and procedures that go on in the church."

Kokiong's comments drew attention to a reality among the hundreds of delegates who are attending Session: Young faces are few and far between. But the ones who are on the Georgia Dome floor, along with their older counterparts, say more should be present -- particularly as they are the church's future leaders.

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